APAC Published 2020 Pharmaceutical Market & Regulatory Environment Report
Notice 2020.04.21 2155

The 9th Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC) was held successfully online on April 8, 2020. During the conference, APAC officially published the “2020 Pharmaceutical Market & Regulatory Environment in Asia (PMRE Report)jointly accomplished by China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association (PhIRDA) and other 13 APAC member pharmaceutical associations. The report demonstrates 11 economy entities’ profiles of laws and regulations on IND/CTA, NDA, clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance, as well as survey results of economic and healthcare status, pharmaceutical distribution, promotion, medical insurance, drug pricing system, IP rights protection and pharmaceutical industry policies. It helps to foster mutual understanding on pharmaceutical markets and regulatory policies among Asian economies, and further promoting the development of pharmaceutical innovation in Asia.

In the process of finalizing the report, PhIRDA members including Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., BeiGene Ltd., Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences Co., Ltd., Innovent Biologics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Luye Pharma Group Co., Ltd. offered vigorous support. We sincerely thank all of the members mentioned above for their great support and assistance.

Organized by JPMA in 2012, APAC is an industry-driven initiative with 12 R&D-based pharmaceutical associations joining from 11 economies including Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, India, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Chinese Taiwan and Hong Kong in Asia that agree to work together to realize the mission: “To expedite the launch of innovative medicines for the peoples in Asia”.

For promoting a better collaboration among the Asian pharmaceutical innovation industries, and accelerating the innovation development among Asian economies, the APAC Steering Committee deliberated and approved PhIRDA’s membership application and adopted PhIRDA as the only APAC member association representing China’s pharmaceutical industry in September 2017.

View “2020 Pharmaceutical Market & Regulatory Environment in Asia” (PMRE Report) 

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