News & Events
Instruction for the 2020 CBIIC Roadshow Application
News & Events 中国药促会 2020.05.20 2770

I. Preparation for roadshow application

The website of 2020 CBIIC: Please click “register” on PC for roadshow application.


1. Please provide your e-mail address and click “Sign in”, then you will receive a verification e-mail; Click the link “here” in the e-mail to log in.



2. Please complete information in “Personal Center”.



II. Steps for Roadshow Application

Please click “Add A New Roadshow Application” for roadshow or clinical data release application.


Must-know info about 2020 CBIIC Roadshow Application:

1. Any roadshow project shall comply with the relevant national laws, regulations and policies without violating the intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of others. The applicant, organization and company shall be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of application information.

2. For foreign roadshow projects, online roadshow is acceptable if the on-site presentation is not applicable.

3. Roadshow application will be reviewed by the Expert Committee. Review result and payment approach (if approved) will be sent via email by the Organizing Committee. Roadshow Fees: RMB 5,000.

4. Speaker of approved roadshow project will be eligible to free access to the conference and One-on-One Partnering System for business development.

Deadline for Roadshow Application:

00:00, July 20, 2020 (Beijing Time)

Project Requirement:

1. Innovative Drugs (Orphan Drugs included): New molecular entity; new structure, target; new therapies in accordance with drug administration; modified new drugs with clinical value (prodrugs, drugs with new component, dosage forms, new indication or routes of administration);

2. Class II or Class III Medical Devices and Diagnostic Regent with obvious product superiority and authorized approval for clinical trial;

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Innovation R&D Services, WIT-MED + Big Data.

Important: For clinical data release, only Type I application will be accepted.


Application Materials:

1.        Project Title (Chinese & English)

2.        Brief introduction (Requirement: 200-300 Chinese characters and 800-1200 English words) will be included in 2020 CBIIC Conference Handbook, please submit after careful review.

3.        Roadshow project information is required and upload in Word document. It will be kept confidential and only for experts review.

4.        Please upload your roadshow slides (Aspect Ratio 4:3) before 00:00 on September 15 (Beijing Time), otherwise the system will be closed. Failing to upload slides will be considered as giving up the roadshow in 2020 CBIIC.

Tips for Roadshow Application:

1.        Please do provide email address of the roadshow speaker, for further contact, notification and conference code.

2.        Please leave your information as contact person if you are not the roadshow speaker.

3.        The application information will be temporarily saved and could be edited anytime after logging in with your email address.


Registration Procedures:

1.  Please read the registration information carefully. Tick the box and click “Sign up” in the following example to continue.


2. Click “Next step” after completing relative information.


3. Click “Save and preview” after finishing all information.


4、Click “Submit” after confirming that all information is correct.


5、Click “Submit” after double-checking information.


6、You have finished the submission successfully, please wait for the review result.


By this step have you finished all procedures of roadshow application. You will be informed of review results via email registered, and status will be updated in Personal Center.

III. Roadshow Application Result

It is available to check review status in Personal Center after submitting the roadshow application.
