News & Events
International Company Roadshow | Diverse Global Cutting-edge Innovative Projects
News & Events 2019.12.02 2224

On the morning of September 23, 2019, the 'International Company Roadshow' Parallel Session of the 2019 CBIIC was held successfully. The session is to build a direct dialogue platform for domestic capital and international innovation projects cooperation. The session received projects recommended by Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Investment Association of China and HK Bio-Med Innotech Association (HKBMIA), etc. as well as enterprises directly. Eventually 9 outstanding projects from Singapore, Japan, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, and the United States were strictly selected by the Expert Review Committee of CBIIC and demonstrated in the session, covering a wide range of medical fields from anticancer drug R&D, neurodegenerative diseases, immune system diseases, to infectious diseases, etc., demonstrating the latest R&D achievements to domestic and overseas participants, and attracting numerous participants from pharmaceutical R&D and investment institutions.


1st Half Moderator: Ms. Lu Xiaoti, Deputy Secretary-General of PhIRDA

Dr. Lars E. Birgerson, President & CEO of Adlai Nortye USA, made a keynote speech titled 'Tackling Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing Global Environment'. With his years of experience on tumor immunology clinical research, Dr. Birgerson elaborately introduced the opportunities and challenges in tumor immunology development in the past two decades, and analyzed the future trends on oncology drug R&D.


Dr. Lars E. Birgerson made a keynote speech

Speakers from Cerecin Pte. Ltd. in Singapore, Kyoto University Hospital Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT) in Japan and MIMETAS Organ-on-a-Chip in the Netherlands introduced the latest R&D situation and clinical trials data of new drug against Alzheimer's disease, new generation of oncolytic virus and human organ-on-a-chip models technology separately, and vividly demonstrated how new technologies promote new drug development and evaluation with animated videos and other forms.


1st Half Roadshow Speakers
Upper left: Li Jun, General Manager of Shanghai Nezu Pharmaceutical Technology Management Co., Ltd.
Upper right: Charles Stacey, President & CEO, Cerecin Pte. Ltd.
Bottom Left: Jos Joore, CEO of MIMETAS Organ-on-a-Chip
Bottom Right: Tsutomu Nishimura, Associate Professor of Kyoto University Hospital Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT)


2nd Half Moderator: Sunny Liang, LSH officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Speakers of Aucentra Therapeutics Pty Ltd., UniSA Ventures from Australia, Replicor from Canada, Viriom Inc. and Bowen Therapeutics. Inc. from the United States introduced antitumor drugs, antibody therapeutics, Hepatitis B drugs and bispecific antibodies for ovarian cancer. Those new drug R&D results drawn a great attention from a large number of audience and investors.


2nd Half Roadshow Speakers
1st Row: Wang Shudong, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Aucentra Therapeutics Pty Ltd.
Viraj Perera, CEO of UniSA Ventures
John Bai, Advisor of Replicor
2nd Row: Oleg Korzinov, Corporate Development VP of Viriom Inc.
Zhao Qiuyan, President of Bowen Therapeutics. Inc.

With the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of Canada, Embassy of Australia and the Embassy of the United States of America, the ‘International Company Roadshow’ came to a successful conclusion, presenting a feast of international pharmaceutical innovative projects, and building the bridge for communication and cooperation between pharmaceutical innovative projects and investment institutions.


Plenary Meeting


Warmly On-Site Exchanges