News & Events
PhIRDA Embassy of Canada Co-hosted Biotech Match-Making Meetings
News & Events 2016.11.08 1000

Co-hosted by China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association (PhIRDA), Embassy of Canada and B.C. Trade and Investment Office, two biotech match-making meetings were held in Beijing with success on October 19 and 28, 2016. Representatives from PhIRDA members Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, Nanjing Sanhome Pharmaceutical, Tasly Holding Group and etc. attended the events.


Dr. Wang Xin (Senior Director, PhIRDA) addressed in the opening remarks that, centering on the principle of “innovation, Industrialization, Internationalization”, PhIRDA is constantly working to promote the bilateral cooperation in biotech research and investment and will further this mission in the future.


Kevin Tsui (Chief Representative, B.C. Trade and Investment Office) and Michael Dodd (Officer of Science and Technology, Embassy of Canada), introduced the current circumstance of biomed industry in Canada, and expressed the appreciations to PhIRDA for its great efforts to the Chinese-Canadian biomed cooperation.


Representatives from research-based Canadian biomed companies, Contextual Genomics and Cyclica, introduced their companies and high-tech biomed projects in details to all attendees, followed by a warm Q&A discussion with PhIRDA members.