Co-hosted by China Pharmaceutical Innovation Research and Development Association (PhIRDA), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products (CCCMHPIE), European & Dutch Regulatory System for Medical Products Workshop was successfully held in Beijing on July 20, 2016.
The workshop was chaired by Mr. Peter Bootsma (Counselor for Health, Welfare and Sports, Netherlands Embassy). PhIRDA Executive President Song Ruilin addressed in his speech, as the one of the major countries of EU, the Netherlands has an important position in the pharmaceutical research and development and the market. Cooperation with Dutch organizations and companies will help China pharmaceutical companies enter the EU markets, towards the world. The Chinese government has paid high attention to new drug research and development, China and Dutch Pharmaceutical industries should work together, to improve the eco-system of global pharmaceutical innovation, to raise the level of human healthcare.
Ms. Ronnie van Diemen (Inspector-General Dutch Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ)), Mr. Hans Schoo (Chief Inspector of IGZ), Mr. Lepeintre Jerome (Minister Counsellor of EU Delegation) delivered speeches on topics of “Introduction of the regulatory approach of the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate”, “Overseas GMP/GCP/GLP inspection in China”, “Introduction of the EU regulatory approach for Health Products”. Dr. Chongde Luo (Venn Life Sciences-Kinesis) introduced the experience on how to bring Chinese CROs and pharmaceutical products to the European market.
More than 60 experts from Dutch companies / organizations and representatives from PhIRDA members had warm discussion on European & Dutch Regulatory System and EU market-access of drugs and medical devices.
<1> PhIRDA Executive President Song Ruilin with Dutch Delegation
<2> Chaired by Peter Bootsma, Counselor for Health, Welfare and Sports, Dutch Embassy
<3> Speech by Song Ruilin, Executive President of PhIRDA
<4> Speech by Ronnie van Diemen, Inspector-General Dutch Health Care Inspectorate
<5> Speech by Hans Schoo, Chief Inspector of IGZ
<6> Speech by Lepeintre Jerome, Minister Counsellor of EU Delegation
<7> The Workshop